Hello!! And let me begin by saying 'Welcome' to my blog. I have cleverly named this blog in particular the ASC blog. "Why?” you may ask. It stands for ALL SHIT COVERED. The explanation is self-explanatory. I begin with ATC, (all topics covered) but for some reason it just didn't have the same punch. I will discuss and analyze what I want spare nothing. I may not have the authority to talk about the topic but that sure as hell won't stop me from trying. I will use the Freedom of Speech that soldiers fought so hard for, intensively. So why does an intelligent add in these vulgarities? We have free speech, to all degrees. Civility is free speech to a lower degree and being a radical and an extremist is to a high degree. We as people need varying degrees of free speech in our communication. We like to attach subtle messages, symbols, double-meanings, etc to words. But words are nothing than exact that; A WORD!! We are the ones who give words bad meanings not the word itself. So then to label a word a ‘bad word’ is unfair to its original meaning and purpose. Its purpose being to transfer life to some kind of literature medium. If you then become hung up on your meaning and past “bad experience of the “bad word” then you miss the present which holds meaning of that piece of writing. Then what?? You have accomplished nothing and just wasted time. [Waste also being one of my biggest pet peeves]. So without further delay let’s begin…

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Republicans are destroying Democracy

As i sat in a local coffee shop i began to research democracy and republic. I had heard of things words many times over but the real meaning of them was always just out of reach. I was curious and i so i discovered their true meaning. A republic is a rule of citizen groups. A democracy is a rule of individuals. Clearly the latter was the intention of the Founding Fathers. A representative Democracy though because the size of the country presents obvious problems. This definition of a "republic" is intriguing. Lets examine the progression of "democracy" in America over the years. In the very first election, electors were called into a room. They voiced aloud their vote and all were for George Washington. A straight simple Representative Democracy in action. On the polar opposite, today policy is influenced and shaped by interest groups. The larger the interest group the more influence on Congress it will have. There are competing groups all in competition for attention. Even in congressional districts we are put in groups and we are suppose to think, act, believe, and vote the same way as your neighbor. However, there are a lot of dissenting opinions. Its a rule of the majority, but how "fair" is a 51:49 vote. What if the majority honestly and truly does not know best. Republicans advocate for control in group while Democrats argue that power still rests in the hands of the individuals. Lockean liberalism vs. the commonwealth. Initially, this government was set up as a democracy and all interest groups, PACs, and anything that supports group politics is destroying Democracy. Although there is still a side of me that thinks how can a rule of majority work when i can't even trust the judgement of the driver next to me; let alone their judgement of how instruments of government are suppose to work. If they are so blind to religious institutions, how can they open their eyes to global problems? Global problems require global solutions free of bias. If they are convinced that letting corporations run deregulated is in their best interests, then how can i be sure that they know who's interests are being protected by war? Faith still rests with the people, but difference between a person and another one of the masses is intuition.

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